Origami Koala

Origami Koala

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By Babysits
2 min read

Origami originates from Japan and represents the art of folding paper to create figurines without glue. The koala isn’t the most common or popular origami figure to make, but it is really easy to make and very cute! So, how do you make an origami koala?

Follow the tutorial below to create a wonderful origami koala:

koala origami

Here are the instructions:

  • First, cut a sheet of paper into a 14cm x 14cm square. Alternatively, you can choose a larger size (20 cm x 20 cm) or a smaller one (10 cm x 10 cm);
  • Then fold it in half on each side to get the fold marks;
  • Then turn the sheet over to fold the lower corners into the center of the square;
  • After turning the sheet over again, repeat the procedure for the upper corners;
  • Turn the sheet over again to bring the corners of the center of the square vertically;
  • Now fold the top and bottom corners to the center of the origami;
  • Finally, take a black marker to draw the eyes and nose of this little koala!


Your origami koala is ready!
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