First Aid for Kids | Tips for Common Situations
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Get startedDo you have children or are you working with children? Then it is very important that you know how to give first aid to children. A working understanding of basic first aid for kids is essential for any childcare provider, parent or family member who may be looking after a child. Would you like to learn more about first aid for children? Read on below!
What is first aid for kids and why is it important?
First aid for kids is knowing how to respond and act in certain life-threatening situations, specifically when a child may have been physically injured in some way or another. It is similar to first aid in general, however, in the case of children and babies there are some situations where you need to respond differently than you would with an adult.
First aid can cover lots of different situations, from cleaning up and disinfecting a minor cut or scrape, to what to do in the case of choking, incapacitation, or severe allergic reactions.
We all hope that accidents and emergencies don’t happen, but are you ready in case something happens while taking care of a child? Making sure you know the appropriate steps to take as a first responder for the child in your care is vital to keeping them safe and healthy.
How do you learn how to respond in a variety of first aid situations? Luckily, there are plenty of different ways to expand your first aid knowledge and be more prepared for any emergency!
How to learn first aid
First aid for kids courses
One key and widely available way to learn child and baby first aid is to enrol in a course. Such courses may have virtual tests and hands-on practice, led by experienced instructors.
The Red Cross and similar organizations are a good place to start looking, as the Red Cross in most countries offers first aid courses. There are also plenty of online courses available that can be taken for free (some, where you can receive a certificate should you pay a fee). These courses are also a valuable resource to increase your knowledge of first aid and child first aid specifically. However, they may lack the ability to practice first aid techniques in a hands-on fashion.
There are also plenty of other varieties of first aid courses available, such as:
- First aid for babies
- First aid for children
- First aid for adults
- Online First aid courses
- CPR Courses for adults & children
By taking a first aid course you can learn things such as:
How to stay calm and respond correctly
First of all, you learn to handle the situations well. You learn how to stay calm and how to act properly in multiple emergency situations.How to act immediately and what steps to take
In some cases, you may have to wait for an ambulance or other forms of emergency care to arrive. In these cases, it is extremely important that you know exactly which steps to take immediately. The first minutes are crucial, especially with small children. Sometimes this can even save a person's life.
When is a first aid certificate mandatory for childcare
In some jurisdictions or in order to hold certain childcare or child-focused positions, it may be mandatory to have a first aid certificate.
Are babysitters required to be first aid certified?
Babysitters generally are not required to have a first aid certificate. While they do work closely with children, babysitting is in most cases a less regulated industry. Because of this, it is more common that there are no specific rules requiring babysitters to know first aid.
However, this doesn’t mean that first aid is not useful for babysitters to know. In fact, it can still be extremely important in order to be prepared for any emergency situations!
Next to this, parents generally feel more comfortable hiring babysitters who have first aid experience and knowledge (and may even offer to pay them a bit more if they have this extra skill).
Mini Kids First Aid Course - How to deal with some common injuries and accidents
While a full first aid course for children is most useful, we’ve provided some examples of what you can do in common first aid situations with children!
Tip 1 Nosebleed
Have a child with a bloody nose sit with his head tilted slightly forward, as if drawing. This position makes the blood easier to drain from his mouth and / or nose. Ingestion of blood can cause nausea. Have the child pinch their nose just below the nose bone for 5 minutes (do this yourself if the child cannot do it). Most bleeding stops within 5 minutes. If the bleeding does not stop, contact your General Practitioner.
Tip 2 Poisoning
Has a child ingested a toxic substance? Call emergency services immediately if he/she is not alert, unconscious or very short of breath. In all other cases, contact the GP for advice. After swallowing a caustic poison, have the child rinse their mouth with water (if possible) and spit it out again. Take the rest of the poison or the container with you if you go to the hospital or doctor.
Tip 3 Scrape
First, rinse an abrasion with lukewarm tap water. If necessary, dab it further with a soft washcloth. Abrasions do not need to be bandaged, unless clothing is constantly touching them. In that case, use a non-adhesive bandage. In case of major abrasions, call the doctor or emergency services.
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