Help - For families

Families can find childcare providers on Babysits through our search page. You can enter your city, address, or postcode in the search bar to view childcare providers in your area.
Childcare providers who are interested can also contact you if you have a complete, visible profile.
If you want to send a message to a childcare provider, you can contact them by going to their profile and clicking on the “contact” button.
Please note: To contact or respond to childcare providers, your profile visibility needs to be public or platform only and you need to have an active Premium subscription.
You can upgrade to a Premium subscription via the upgrade page (after registration) or via the Babysits app.
You can cancel your Premium subscription at any time. You can easily do so on the Premium page.
If you subscribed to a Premium subscription via the iOS app, you will have to cancel your subscription via Apple. You can do so in your device settings via Apple ID under Subscriptions.
If you have any days left on your Premium subscription, you can still use the premium services for these remaining days after the cancellation of your Premium subscription.
If you are having trouble canceling your Premium subscription, please contact us.
Contact customer service
In some countries, there is a bookings feature where you can book appointments directly via the platform. In these countries you can plan an appointment by requesting a booking on the profile of the childcare provider or in the inbox.
If you don't see this option, in countries where bookings aren't supported, you can coordinate appointments directly via the messaging system, agreeing with the childcare provider regarding details.
Learn more about Babysits Bookings system.
Yes, you can! When your Premium subscription has been canceled you can still message new childcare providers within your contract period. When your contract period expires, you can still continue conversations that you already started during your Premium subscription, but you can’t start new conversations anymore.
How much you pay a childcare provider will depend on the childcare provider and situation.
Childcare providers set their own hourly rates for babysitting, based on the minimum wage, their qualifications, skills and experience. You can view this on their profile.
You can also set the rate you want to offer a potential childcare provider on your profile.
At the end of the day, it is up to you and the childcare provider to come to an agreement regarding how much you will pay them.
The hourly rates may vary according to the number of children you have, the duties required, the type of childcare provider and the location of the babysitting job.
In some jurisdictions, it is legally mandatory to arrange a contract. Because of this and to make the babysitting experience smoother for both parties, we suggest filling out and going through our intake form.
If you had a negative experience with a childcare provider through Babysits, you can leave a review and/or block the user.
In any case, we ask you to report the childcare provider to our support team via their profile page. Babysits will then be notified of these reports and will take any action that may be necessary.
Contact customer service
We regularly send reminder notifications and emails to them and hide inactive profiles on our search page. However, there are also some steps you can take:
* On their profiles you can see their last activity and their average response time. We recommend that you contact childcare providers who have been active recently to increase your chances of getting a response.
* Babysitters may not have seen or read your first message. In that case, it may be helpful to contact them again.
* The last tip is to be active yourself. If the childcare provider sees that you haven't been active for a while or that you don't respond to your messages, they may conclude that you are no longer looking for a babysitter and chances are they won't contact you.
Parents can request a full refund* of their Premium subscription within 14 days of the purchase. After 14 days, we unfortunately can’t provide refunds.
*This only applies to Premium subscriptions purchased directly from Babysits. Payments through third parties such as Apple are excluded.
Contact customer service to request a refund.
On the premium page of your account, you may see an "update payment method" button. If so, you can click this button to update your payment method.
If you don't see this button, it is currently not possible to update your bank account details of your Premium subscription. In that case, please contact us if you want to update your bank account details.